May 2, 2021
Jerga Uruguaya

I haven’t yet visited Uruguay, but will hopefully do so one day. In the meantime I am collecting slang from the conversations I have with the ‘uruguay@s’ I come across. From my understanding, the term lunfardowhich originated in the streets of Buenos Aires seems to now include Uruguay as well, as a general term for slang.


I get the feeling that this can mean quite a few things… But roughly translates to ‘hey’ and is generally used to get someone’s attention.

¡Bo! Ven acá.
Hey! Come here.


(Not mushrooms… as I wrongly thought 🙃)

This is the Uruguayan word for ‘trainers’ or ‘sneakers’.

¿Cuánto cuestan esos championes?
How much do those trainers cost?

Dato curioso: The word originated from the sports footwear brand Champion.


A common response meaning ‘ok’ or ‘fine’.

¿Nos vemos, ta?
See you later ok?


Join Harry on his Spanish journey across the globe 🌎